There are four levels in the Maryland court system - two trial courts and two appellate courts. Below are links to,and descriptions of, the courts in this system:
Trial Courts:
Circuit Courts There are Circuit Courts in each Maryland County and the City of Baltimore. These courts are grouped in 8 judicial circuits, and deal with criminal, civil and family law cases.
District Courts The cases handled here include landlord-tenant, motor vehicle violations, misdemeanors, and some felonies.
Appellate Courts:
Court of Appeals The Court of Appeals is the highest court in Maryland. It is similar to state Supreme courts
Court of Special Appeals This is the intermediate appellate court
Maryland Courts This is a very useful resource to the overall Maryland court system.
Dockets Maryland Circuit Court
Dockets Maryland Court of Appeals
Dockets Maryland Court of Special Appeals
Maryland Courts Website:
Appellate Court Opinions (Opinions on this website may not be the final, official versions. Official opinions are found in the bound volumes of the Maryland Reports, and Maryland Appellate Reports)